Slow Cooker (or not) One Pot Smoked Paprika & Tomato Wings with Rice Versatile, easy to make one pot chicken wings with rice (also in slow cooker version).
Celeriac Apple Salad INGREDIENTS 1 large celeriac – 600g (peeled and grated) 6 small apples (grated) 6 tbs mayonnaise salt METHOD Mix all ingredients together. Serve cold. Serves 5-6 people.
Potato Dauphinoise with Nutmeg & Onions [recipe adapted from “Mainly Vegetables” by Colin Spencer] INGREDIENTS 1.5 kg new potatoes (washed and finely sliced) 900 ml single cream 40g unsalted butter – optional 2 large onions (chopped) 2 tsp ground nutmeg 2 tsp sea salt rainbow peppercorns or black peppercorns EQUIPMENT large non-stick baking dish or even better oven proof glass dish […]
Oven-Grilled Garlic Asparagus with Capers Quick grilled / roasted green asparagus with garlic and capers recipe.
Cucumber Sauce [recipe adapted from magazine Claudia] INGREDIENTS 200g soft cheese ½ tbs garlic powder or fresh garlic 2 tbs lemon juice quarter large cucumber salt rainbow peppercorns freshly ground METHOD Mix all ingredients together. Serve for instance with baked potatoes or boiled potatoes in skin.
Tuna Bakes – Fried Dumplings from Dominica Dominican style dumplings, fried and stuffed with tuna mayo filling.
Racuchy z Jabłkami i Cynamonem (Apple Cinnamon Pancakes) INGREDIENTS 2 cups milk 2 cups self rising flour 2 eggs 4 apples (sliced finely) 1 tbs (10g) vanilla sugar 1-2 tsp ground cinnamon – optional 4 tbs white sugar oil for frying (I used corn oil) icing sugar EQUIPMENT paper kitchen towels METHOD Mix all ingredients except oil, icing sugar and kitchen towels. Use […]
Fried Plantains INGREDIENTS ripe plantains (from yellow to almost black, the darker the sweeter) oil for frying ( I used corn oil) EQUIPMENT kitchen paper towels METHOD Peel then cut plantains in thick slices and fry on both sides on oil till golden brown. Drain on paper towel before serving. Serve as a side dish or as […]