Homemade Jelly INGREDIENTS 2 cups natural juice of your choice (I used grape, blueberry and raspberry juice) 10-12g gelatine (or according to the packet instructions) or 12g Vege-Gel (vegetarian substitute for gelatine) or 6 gelatine leaves (about 10g) METHOD In a small saucepan heat over low fire juice but do not boil. You can also use microwave. […]
Sour Cabbage / Sauerkraut Salad INGREDIENTS 900g (600g drained) jar sour cabbage / fermented cabbage / sauerkraut (drained, but not completely and chopped) 2 carrots (grated) 2 apples – optional 2 tbs white sugar or to taste METHOD Mix everything together. Serve as a side dish and enjoy. Serve 6 people. Taste good for instance with fried chicken liver.
Mushroom & Sour Cabbage Pierogi – Polish Filled Dumplings A little bit less traditional sour cabbage and mushroom pierogi recipe using button mushrooms instead of wild mushrooms.
Runner Beans Originally from South America but grown all over the World, also in UK. Pods are about 20cm long. They are perfect for stir-frying and steaming as they are getting soft quite fast. See for instance “Sweet Chilli Chicken Stir-Fry”.
Tarragon Chicken Risotto INGREDIENTS for risotto 4 cups easy cook rice 7½ cups water 1 chicken cube handful of dried chives or some fresh chopped chives or spring onions grated cheese ground black pepper ½ tbs garlic powder “Tarragon Chicken” or any other cooked chicken for 4 people (skin and bones removed, chopped)
Easy Chłodnik – Polish Summer Cold Beetroot & Yogurt Soup INGREDIENTS 500g cooked and peeled beetroot (chopped) 2 vegetable cubes handful of fresh / frozen dill (chopped) 1250 ml water / 5 cups 3-4 spring onions (chopped) ½-1 cucumber (sliced) 2 x 500g natural yogurt 4-6 hard boiled eggs salt black pepper METHOD In large saucepan place cubes, beetroot, dill and water, bring to boil. […]
Sweet Chilli Chicken Stir-fry [adapted from “Food for Health and Fitness” by Helen O’Connor & Donna Hay]
Tarragon Chicken with Onion Potatoes INGREDIENTS for the chicken chicken pieces for 4 people (4 chicken breasts or 8 drumsticks, tights etc.) or 1 small chicken (separated) 2 small or 1 large onion (cut into wedges) 2-3 tbs grape seed oil 1½ cup water 1½ chicken cubes (10g each) 2-3 tbs dried tarragon ½-1 tsp turmeric for potatoes 1½-2 kg […]
Pineapple Coco Banana Smoothie INGREDIENTS 600g vanilla yogurt or 600g natural yogurt with some vanilla sugar 400g tin pineapple in juice ½ cup coconut milk powder 2-3 ripe bananas 2-3 orange juice METHOD Blend everything together, serve cold. Make 5-6 smoothies.