I was hoping that I will manage updating this blog regularly like usual, but I was wrong… Arrival of our new baby girl Ella, almost two weeks ago, totally disorganized our days and nights… We are getting into routine and slowly I’m able to get more and more things done… but I’m still in a big mess. My husband took over almost all kitchen chores, school runs and making lunchboxes… he even started getting creative and he is using cookie cutters to make cute shapes out of bread! :)
Although he is doing just fine I can’t wait to start cooking and making lunchboxes myself. I have some new recipes waiting to be posted in my drafts and couple of baby product reviews to be done.
I promise I will start posting more often in a week or two… I will also reply to all you emails and comments. Until then please bear with me, I will be back soon ;)

Oh Margot, the baby is just precious. Forget about the blog and enjoy this time!
Ella is such a sweetheart!!!
I just subscribed to your blog and I must say that your baby is so precious. Hope you don’t mind but I’ll be saving the picture to my list of cutie pies.
Relax, enjoy your baby for now. Everyone will understand.
Congratulations! How adorable she is – and like everyone else says, don’t worry about the blog, it’s Tiny Infant Time!
Congratulations, on your baby girl,..she is a real cuty!! Enjoy those Happy Family Times!
Look at the angel!
Aww, that little sleepy face is adorable! Blogging should take a backseat while you enjoy your little one.
What a beautiful little girl! Congratulations!
Congratulations on your new baby, my best wishes!
I have had just the fourth baby. My second Prince!
enjoy the moment, there is no greater happiness than those!