A while ago I posted about miniature garden in a jar which now we have transformed into garden in a fish bowl…
- fish bowl (we used plastic 4 litre one)
- gravel/ pebbles for drainage (we used colourful aquarium gravel, about half of this 2kg bag)
- active carbon /charcoal to prevent mould & bad smell – optional (we haven’t use it, the lid is half open so there should be no problem with mould)
- bit of soil
- moss and other little plants (you can easily find moss even in the city, many walls and fences is covered in it)
- mini figurines, houses and miniatures
water can spray to keep the moss moist
1. Fill bottom of the fish bowl with gravel, our layer have about 2 cm (about 1 kg of pebbles).
2. Top the gravel with some soil.
3. Arrange moss, miniatures, pebbles etc. on the top of the soil and replace the lid.
4. Spray often with water to keep it moist.
Our moss garden has a new inhabitant, little clay gnome that I made in the art class :)
Follow up on the garden can be found here: Miniature Succulent Garden in a Fish Bowl.
More upcycling / recycling ideas:
DIY Play Stove (from old newspapers, bottle tops & fiber board)
Coasters (from old newspapers)
Piggy Bank (from old plastic bottle)
Crochet Covers for Old Mammut Stools (Ikea Hack)
Girl’s Room Workspace (made from upcycled cot bed)
Reading Corner (made from spare bedside table – Ikea Hack)
Upcycled Magazine Decoupage (cardboard boxes decorated with old magazines)
Recycled T-Shirt Rug (crochet rug made out of old shirts)
Your thoughts…